Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My name…. is…. Raoul Duke, ..I must have a suite!

Actually that’s not my name, you gonzo journalist out there will understand! It is just my lame attempt to put some humor into what can be a very boring and complex subject matter, electricity! My name is Cory Henrickson and yes I work for the government and I’m here to help! More specifically I work for State Representative Sylvester Turner of Houston.

This post is for a couple reasons, one I said I would say who I was; I’m not here to anonymous blog or keep secrets. Two, I have already posted my personal e-mail address on a post. Lastly, I post this in response to a comment on my last post in which commenter The Druid asked this, “Which brings me to my next point, are you speaking on behalf of Mr Turner, or yourself?

I speak for no one but myself. When I’m at the capitol and Rep. Turner wants me to speak for him I will. That is my job, this is my personal blog. Though they may overlap, this blog is 100% my own efforts, ideas, and ramblings. I thank you for asking the question, I do believe it is important and I should have posted this sooner.

I will attempt to keep the blog as un-political as possible! However, I have my biases, as do we all. So, when I rant against a state agency for not enforcing their rules I guess this could be viewed as political. However my point is (was) to be consumer friendly and an advocate for responsible business and state regulation. My intent for this blog is to help consumers with strategies and information. The key to a properly functioning market is unfettered information.

To The Druid, I’m going to Copy, Paste your comment and my response to your comment on the last blog just so we are all clear on what was said.

The Druid said...

Wow, your 6 months experience as a legislative staffer is sure showing through. If you knew any better you'd know that the PUC is the only agency required by statute to enforce the substantive rules, not the Office of Public Utility Counsel. Where were your friends at Texas Legal Services Center to tell you of these awful violations? Aren't they charged with advocating for consumers? The trial lawyers sure line their pockets enough for them to go out and be crusaders, like yourself. Which brings me to my next point, are you speaking on behalf of Mr Turner, or yourself?

JULY 29, 2009 11:52 AM

phunkster2001 said...

First and foremost I speak on behalf of myself and no one else, and I will make a post to make that very clear.

Secondly, If you read my post, in no way do I imply that OPUC has authority to enforce rules. I have a clear understanding of who is charged with what and who has what authority, your comment is misleading and just plain wrong. The exact statement in the post says, " the PUC should have discovered this before me! If not them, where was the Office of Public Utility Counsel, you know the independent agency charged with advocating for consumers!?"

OPUC and the PUC are perfectly capable of discovering rules violations. OPUC can find abuses which affect consumers, such as what the post highlights, and advocate for the PUC to enforce the rules. This is what they should be doing in instances such as this clear violation of the rules.

As far as your comment on Texas Legal Services Center goes I'm not sure that it warrants a comment however I will simply say this. They work very hard at protecting consumers and offer legal services for many things, not just electricity issues. As with most advocate organizations, funding and staff are always an issue. They do a very good job at what they do with what they have and I commend their efforts.

Lastly, I thank you for taking the time to read the blog, and I appreciate feed back. However, I would request that it be accurate if you are attacking my position or my understanding of an issue.


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